
I’m participating in an online MOOC course on “How to make a Poem” offered by Manchester City University. There are several hundred participants and 3 professors.  It can get kind of chaotic in the comments section.


My first effort is entitled “Binocular”.

It was inspired by this image of a pair of binoculars at a

waterfront viewpoint somewhere.

(Photo by Drew Graham on Unsplash)




Twas a gray dull day of January
Not a ray to shine upon the memory

A sharp breeze through my jacket leaks
Sodden clouds threatened watery cheeks.
I found myself wandering a lonely fishing pier
But for the brooding gulls, no cause for cheer

Alone to face the scudding seas
Stood a pair of cold iron binocular
Stationed at attention
“Come look, please?”

So for want of some distraction
I pursued this simple attraction,
I parted with a quart’
and set my view to distant port.

Much to my surprise
I gazed upon a paradise.
Where once was only dismal gray
A warm sandy isle lay.

And on that isle stood a tiki bar
Right up close, not far.
Served a fetching maid,
Cold beer and lemonade.

In the distance, a wooden ketch,
waiting for a sailor and his throb.
to cleave the waves asunder
in search for new ports down under.

Just then I heard a CLICK,
my vision was lost but quick.
And in its place a sign did read
“To view again, one quarter you will need”

I fumbled my pockets thru
to regain the vision for a few.
I slipped the coin in the slot.
But what I saw was paradise not.

Twas only a dull gray day of January
Not a ray to shine upon a memory

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1 Response

  1. Alison Saner says:

    Love it!!