Category: Camino

Day 37 – Santiago de Compostela (2nd day)

​ The frescoes are on either side of the “Door of Forgiveness ” which is generally closed except during “Holy Year”, a year when July 25th falls on a Sunday.  During those years, people line up...

Day 36 – Santiago de Compostela 

As I woke up this morning, thinking about the last 20km I had to walk to arrive in Santiago,  an email notification sounded on my phone.  It was the weekly newsletter from Drew Kampion containing a...

Day 35 – Santa Irene

An older couple walking hand in hand ahead of me.   In terms of public displays of affection, the Camino is a pretty  sterile place.  There are legends about apps for finding dates on the Camino...

Day 34 – Melide

Short 14.5km walk through undulating fields of very devout farmers into the industrial center of Melide.   One can sense the difference in the air as they approach the busy streets and residential avenues.   It’s...

Day 33 – Palad de Rei

It’s almost a cliche that the smaller Spanish villages are made up of mostly senior citizens.  The younger generation has vacated for the cities. The Camino is a window on this side of Spain as it...

Day 32 – Portomarín

Portomarín is a bend in the Belesar reservoir.   The bridge across it is about a quarter mile long stretch of the Camino.  To the women who crossed the bridge just before me it might as...

Day 31 – Aguiada

At 7:30am I began the descent from the alburgue at about 1335 meters.  I was above the morning clouds.  In Galicia, we share the Camino with the cattle and there’s never any question as to who...