Fred’s Revenge…Thwarted!
“Bye Honey, I’m off to visit my sister. I’ll be back in a week. Dinner is in the oven and don’t forget to feed Fred.” Then follows that peculiar human lip smacking sound that is curiously similar...
I think, therefore I am' - René Descartes 1596 - 1650
“Bye Honey, I’m off to visit my sister. I’ll be back in a week. Dinner is in the oven and don’t forget to feed Fred.” Then follows that peculiar human lip smacking sound that is curiously similar...
The odyssey actually began about a year ago when the old bath fixture began to leak. I could ignore it for awhile by pulling the shower curtain closed. The drip, drip, drip sound could be temporarily...
Home plumbing projects are partly about fixing leaks and partly about learning humility in the face of nature. Nature is the universal intelligence that guides all of the activities that mankind does not. As a human...
Cats seem to function on a different wavelength than humans. A cat’s mental model circumscribes a world in which humans intrude only on a sporadic, as-needed basis. Once a cat’s basic requirements for a comfortable life...
Fiction So after a day of trolling along the shores of Mutiny Bay, looking for one of the elusive 25lb kings that apparently all of our friends had already caught and ate, we finally gave up...
“Alternative Energy Revolution” is, in my mind, the definitive XKCD comic. This crosses several of my own mental paths including: Technology and by extension, man’s arrogance, will be our downfall. We are easily comforted by bold...