Category: Philosphy

The Unrealistic Expectation of Nirvana

When we are not focusing on ourselves or some extension of ourselves e.g. our family, our tribe, our favorite sports team, etc, our personal current condition and how this condition can be improved, we (briefly) reflect...

AI vs the Human Computer

“A more perfect analogy would be if you consider nuclear research, with its potential for a very dangerous weapon. Releasing the energy is easy; containing that energy safely is very difficult. And so I think the...

About “Beach Glass”

Beach Glass is prose-poetry that came to me as indicated, on a trip to the beach with Fran. The actual beach was Robinson Beach on the west side of Whidbey Island, instead of Holmes Harbor facing...

Beach Glass

F:”What happens next?” J:”I don’t know. Lets wait until Kathy gets home and make a plan” F:”Where’s my getup and go?” J:”I think you have it. You just have to use it.” (grunt, then silent pause.)...

“se hace camino al andar”

Caminante, son tus huellas el camino, y nada más; caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. :   In English… Wanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing else; wanderer, there is no road,...

The Most Terrifying Thought. (Part 2)

Well, maybe not so much.   Part 1 of this monologue took the pessimistic view that I, as an individual, had no relevance beyond my last breath. Furthermore, mankind as a whole, appears to labor under...