Day 14 – Burgos 

Burgos does sacred architecture to scale.  It just overwhelms the senses to walk down a crowded street of shops, enter an open plaza and see a mass of spires, huge doors and arched passages.  And I’m only seeing one side of it.  Internally it is reportedly breathtaking as well.  I would need a week to begin to take in all of the museos of Burgos.  

I’m torn as whether to dally here another day or to press on with my journey.  

There is a very common tree along the Camino that is currently in its seeding cycle.  It produces lots and lots of this cottony tufts that floats through the air, gets in your nose, and piles up like an early New England snowfall.   In my idle moments I concoct a Sci-Fi plot about an extraterrestrial species that is commencing its subjugation of earth via swarms of white “neural-fibers” that attack the human nervous system and causes them to veer wildly off topic on their blogs…

You’ll have to tune in tomorrow to see if I’m still sentient and whether I decide to leave Burgos or not.

Buen Camino


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2 Responses

  1. I’m enjoying catching up with some internet reading. Good to see that your camino is going well!

  2. I am enjoying your daily accounts. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I am in awe (at what you are reporting or at you) and other days I am inspired. Thank you for including me on your journey.