Day 15 – Rabe de las Calzadas

Torn between chilling in Burgos one more day and maintaining a forward motion, I chose the latter.  In just one day I  was getting too used to calamari salad and gelato.

A short 13km brought me to Rabe de la Calzadas,  a small town at the very foot of the Meseta.  The Meseta is a general name for a series of high flat plateaus that experienced peregrinos speak about in hushed tones.  The long straight uninterrupted flat walks are either the most boring part of the Camino or the part where peregrinos come to terms with whatever personal demons they brought with them.(must…resist…the…neuralfibers.…) . 

But first a note from yesterday’s walk. Early in the day I was walking with a women from Holland.  She was telling me about a family of three, the child being a mere baby.  Turns out that the baby’s name is Grace, same as the women I was talking with.  I met the family briefly later in the day and they are pushing the child in an industrial grade 3-wheeled stroller.  Note that there are significant portions of the Camino that are not stroller-friendly.  (The Meseta, on the other hand, ought to be a sleighride)  The father is carrying the bulk of their stuff in a large back pack. 

Then lo and behold they show up at dinner tonight. Grace was very well behaved.

Roses are in big time bloom right now.  

So, it’s raining lightly now and supposed to continue through tomorrow morning at least.  When wet, the Camino clay has amazing adhesive power and makes walking something like snowshoeing in molasses.   

Ought to be a fun day!?

Buen Camino,


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