Day 20 – Sahagun

I passed Ledigos earlier this morning.  This is the first official documentation of having passed 400 km, the halfway point between St John Pied de Port, France  and Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

The Meseta is mostly corporate farming of wheat and rye but I passed a small (1 acre) patch of grapevines planted in neat rows.  As I walked by this ageless farmer began plowing between the rows with this tractor, also from another era.   

Stone art on the Camino seems to be a thing.  Some are much more sophisticated. I asked another pilgrim walking by who she thought created these works.  She thought it was other pilgrims with more time on their hands.  

The entrance into Sahagun, my destination for the night, took me a km out of the way to pass a small monastery, now closed and turned into a picnic area.   The original sculptures contrast with the modern artistic benches. 

It gave me something to wonder about as I looked for the local municipal albergue.

Buen Camino


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