Day 21 – Reliegos

Never underestimate the marketing power of a couple of cans of spray paint and a total disregard for copyrights. 
Today I experienced the Meseta at its finest.  I chose the slightly less direct route which promised less highway noise and maybe better path conditions.  It also promised almost no services along the way.  This is more like the traditional Camino.  I had brand new insoles, my pack was resting better on my shoulders, and I felt some extra jois de vivre  so I said to myself, “Self, let’s do this!”  

30+ km in 80+F temps.   One full boots-off stop at the only town along the way for a coke and tuna fish sandwich and back on the trail.  

For the most part there were NO other pilgrims in sight.  Just me and my walking poles.   Some place around 20km I came upon a trio of French folks.  We stopped in an old concrete train waiting station for some shade.  I shared some Frango chocolates with them, brought them all the way from Seattle specifically for a moment like this.  A little international relationship building requiring no discussion. 

Tomorrow I approach Leon,  a major milestone as well as a historic centerpiece of the Camino.   This is not the trip to embrace all it has to offer.  I think I will spend an extra day here though, if for no other reason than to give my legs a rest. 
Buen Camino,


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