Day 22 – Peunte Castro (Leon)

Yet another mode of transport on the Camino.  This gentleman stopped to ask directions (I think) in rapid fire spanish.   I fired back with my standard response in situations like this: “no hablo español”.   He then consulted his map and took off with  “Buen Camino!”.   Passed him again as I was stopping for lunch a while later so I guess he found his way.  

This was a spontaneous art picture but it displays a reality of life in cities in Spain, high density housing and hot dry days making electric dryers redundant in the summer. 

Many apartments have the collapsible clothes dryers installed on window sills.  There seems to be no modesty about hanging your laundry out to dry.   (I may be showing my small town roots here).

Tonight’s stay is in a suburb of Leon called Peunte Castro.   The albergue is amazingly clean, reasonably priced, and the showers work well.  I met 4 guests that are part of a larger group from Boston College. They are starting here to walk the last third of the Camino as part of a philosophy course.  

Tomorrow I explore Leon. 
Buen Camino,

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