Day 3 – Zubiri

Ok, I’ve got this thing licked.

Roncesvalles, like Orisson, is a 3 business town that serves the pilgrims only.  The alburge is run by a group of volunteers from Holland. Lights out at 10pm, no exceptions. All pilgrims out and back on the trail at 8:00am, no exceptions.  But it was clean and surprisingly quiet last night.

The pilgrims dinner started with soup, bread and vino tinto (cheap red but still better than boxed wine back home).  Then fish and potatoes, an apple or yoghurt for dessert. Simple fare but sustaining for 10€.

Today’s walk to Zubiri was mostly down hill.  Difficult in its own way.

Blessed with warm dry weather.

One blister on a toe this evening, probably due to the down hill creep.  Apply moleskin and pray for good foot karma.

Staying in a private aubergue tonight with only 3 other people in my room.  Man from Nova Scotia, women from South Africa, young man from Germany.   15€ includes a simple breakfast .

Sending this from a bar down the street with BLESSED bandwidth!

Life is good.

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