Day 34 – Melide

Short 14.5km walk through undulating fields of very devout farmers into the industrial center of Melide.   One can sense the difference in the air as they approach the busy streets and residential avenues.   It’s not just the absence of manure and hay, but the familiar odors and sounds of internal combustion that tell the walker they have re-entered the realm of high density humanity. 

There is a valid reason to cut the day short and bivouac in this particular city though.  Melide is renowned for its “pulparias” or restaurants that specialize in octopus dishes.   

After settling in to my albergue, I went searching for the best smells on the street and found this plate of octo-bites in olive oil and salty seasoning, bowl of Galician soup, crusty bread and glass of local vino blanco.  Eureka!

Along the suburbs of the city are some of the larger, older homes and villas.  At the gate of one such residence was this odd looking statuary ornament.   I can only assume the owner is an avant-garde landscape artist.

There is always room for one more bovine photo in a blog post.

Buen Camino,


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2 Responses

  1. I look forward to your posting each day. It was been a delight to join you on your adventure.

  2. Jason says:

    Thx Michele. It’s a fun trip and fun writing about it. -Jason