Homespun Philosophy in a Nutshell
What if our mortal life is just a way to pace our intellectual development?
Perhaps we all suppress a silent terror of what our state of mind will be like when we are no longer inhibited by all of the physical concerns of our humanity.
Post-human consciousness might be like driving a car powered with a jet engine, a normal steering wheel, and no brakes.
The physical world at least places some practical barriers between our thoughts about ourselves, others, our relationships with others, philosophy, infinite future, destiny, emotions, and all of the things that are not subject to the laws of physics.
There will be no trees, oceans, weather, mountains, temperatures, sounds, smells, views, tactile feedback of any sort. Just infinite, irreconcilable ideas.
Those of us that learn to know and manage our inner self before we die have a chance at a peaceful eternity.
The rest of us will go hysterical with over stimulation without any means of self control moments after death. We would flame out altogether. Essentially a tonic-clonic seizure with no recovery. True and final death. Pfffft.
So, maybe it’s okay to own that classic car you’ve always wanted but it’s critical to first understand why you always wanted it. Who is this person that you envision driving down the street in this classic car? How does driving it help you understand yourself?
The car may just be a way to explore and understand yourself before you die.
This is classic dualism ala Descartes. Cogito ergo sum.