Humanity from beginning to end in 3.2 million years

Two interesting texts describe humanity from both ends of the spectrum.

Wanderlust ,  a History of Walking by Rebecca Solnet. 2001

In the early chapters, Rebecca explores anthropological research regarding the role of bipedalism in the development of humans.  She cites various arguments on whether human intelligence preceded or was enabled by the transition from walking on all four limbs to standing upright and walking on the two rear feet alone.  She quotes Mary Leakey as
“One cannot overemphasize the role of bipedalism in hominid development.  It stands as perhaps the salient point that differentiates the forebears of man from other primates.  This unique ability freed the hands for myriad possibilities – carrying, tool-making, intricate manipulation.  From this single development, in fact, stems all modern technology.  Somewhat oversimplified, the formula holds that this new freedom of forelimbs posed a challenge.  The brain expanded to meet it.  And mankind was formed. “
 The earliest evidence for this upright behavior is the “Lucy” skeleton found in Ethiopia and which dates back a about 3.2 million years ago.

It may not feel like anything to be an alien | KurzweilAI

Humans are probably not the greatest intelligences in the universe.  By SUSAN SCHNEIDER 
In this article, the author quickly dismisses the question as to whether technology will result in a greater than human intelligence.
“Neurons reach a peak speed of about 200 hertz, compared to gigahertz for the transistors in current microprocessors. Although the human brain is still far more intelligent than a computer, machines have almost unlimited room for improvement. It may not be long before they can be engineered to match or even exceed the intelligence of the human brain through reverse-engineering the brain and improving upon its algorithms, or through some combination of reverse engineering and judicious algorithms that aren’t based on the workings of the human brain.”
“The key point is that there is no reason to expect humans to be the highest form of intelligence there is. Our brains evolved for specific environments and are greatly constrained by chemistry and historical contingencies. But technology has opened up a vast design space, offering new materials and modes of operation, as well as new ways to explore that space at a rate much faster than traditional biological evolution. And I think we already see reasons why synthetic intelligence will outperform us.”
She does question whether “Postbiological intelligence”, whether extra-terrestrial or human made AI, will or can develop conscious experience?
Do they share values that correspond to human values (presumably that of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness).
If not, they may not be controllable in such a way as to prevent them from annihilating the human species.
In short…
“On cosmological scales, consciousness may be a blip, a momentary flowering of experience before the universe reverts to mindlessness.”
On a related note, Elon Musk once wondered on twitter …

It is an exciting time to be alive.

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