JJKPryde Blog

Texting vs Talking

Was reading an article recently about dialog communications and how texting has replaced talking in a lot of modern communication. (http://alistapart.com/article/conversational-design) It had an interesting diagram that displayed a time line of human communication going back...

Introduction to Zinc

Zinc felt out of place. He was on an elevator beginning it’s descent from the 24th floor of a nondescript midtown office building, crowded with business people and customers of business people,  He wasn’t interested in...

Hello and Welcome to “Zinc Talk”.

“All hope abandon, ye who enter here” – The Devine Comedy by Dante Alighieri “Cogito, ergo sum” – René Descartes My name is Aubrey and I created Zinc. Zinc started out as a short character description for...

2 Way Speaker Project

      Sometime in high school I developed a fetish for designing and building audio speaker systems. My very first effort was a 3’ high, 2’ wide, 1’ deep plywood box with one 10” driver...

One day over virtual beers… (short fiction)

“What did you do last weekend, @joe2?” asked @Mark “uh, I just dropped into maintenance mode and re-calibrated some visual algorithms”  he lied. No way could he talk about how he actually spent his 4 hours...

How I spent my summer or Camino Synthesis, etc.

Summer is over already. Blackberries have ripened on the vine, hand picked, and turned into jam.  I’ve replaced two aging toilets in the house, re-planked the front and back decks, designed and built a curtain drain...