Personal Media Clarity…Finally…Kinda

My personal media strategy has been only mildly strategic over the course of my online life. Social Media tools come and go. “knowledge Management tools” are tried, adopted, and abandoned with abandon as their proprietary-ness became  too much of a cognitive or relational burden. I have subscribed to and intermittently ignored weblogs, news lists, forums, bulletin boards, and various iterations of over the years.  Email (and it’s attendant tools, calendar and contacts) has been about my only consistent device for electronic recording of thoughts and deeds over the years.

Well, either old age or, more likely, the natural convergence towards least pain and tolerable functionality has resulted in the following few basic tools/purposes:

  1. Email jason at Day to day business and pleasure chatter. I always try to respond inside of a day, at least by some missive pecked into a mobile keyboard.  Most of the important stuff gets squirreled away into folders with tags for topical indexing but my frame of mind rarely ventures back more than a day or two. It’s a conveyor belt of information. The associated “contacts” tool is actually a reasonable personal database of info if I get the metadata right. Now, what was my frequent flyer account number for that airline again?
  2. Evernote: My file cabinet.  Nothing really confidential goes here. No credit card numbers or the like, Just notes, links, historical facts, some images, etc. It’s searchable,  tagable,  multimedia,  multiplatform, available both in its proprietary app, via a browser and I can post to it via email, cheap,  shareable(though I haven’t yet), and not inundated with advertising.
  3. Facebook: I’ve met lots of people over my lifetime,. I can’t stay in person-to-person contact with all of them all of the time but I don’t want to lose track of them either so if they are on Facebook, I friend them.  I also push out my own spontaneous moments  via cellphone camera and occasional links via Facebook.  This is my social social media (which sounds scarily like a proxy for a real life…no, don’t go there…back to my hole in the ground…).
  4.  Linked-In: Recently, out of need to reach out to a past colleague, I re-registered a Linked In account.  The speed and efficiency in which this simple act fleshed out into a network of  people who worked with people who I worked with was amazing.  Anyway, this seems like a good place to catalog my work life and so will probably continue to populate my profile there.
  5. Someday, I’d like to write a profound word and when I do, it will be on this site. This blog is  where ideas see the light of day.

And thats about it.  My entire cognitive catalog stored on the internets in one or more of these 5 locations.

IHTW (I hope this works.)


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