Homespun Philosophy in a Nutshell
What if our mortal life is just a way to pace our intellectual development? Perhaps we all suppress a silent terror of what our state of mind will be like when we are no longer inhibited...
I think, therefore I am' - René Descartes 1596 - 1650
What if our mortal life is just a way to pace our intellectual development? Perhaps we all suppress a silent terror of what our state of mind will be like when we are no longer inhibited...
Every night, Fred, my pet cat of going on four years now, curls up at the foot of my bed, purrs, and sleeps soundly. In the morning, he wakes me for his breakfast with irresistible insistence....
Was reading an article recently about dialog communications and how texting has replaced talking in a lot of modern communication. ( It had an interesting diagram that displayed a time line of human communication going back...
“Maybe the generalization isn’t that you have to grow up in the sticks and then move to the city, but rather than you have to go to a very different kind of place if you want...