Tagged: viewpoints

Homespun Philosophy in a Nutshell

What if our mortal life is just a way to pace our intellectual development? Perhaps we all suppress a silent terror of what our state of mind will be like when we are no longer inhibited...

Texting vs Talking

Was reading an article recently about dialog communications and how texting has replaced talking in a lot of modern communication. (http://alistapart.com/article/conversational-design) It had an interesting diagram that displayed a time line of human communication going back...

Is it Sloppy or Efficient?

I recently read an an article on software development process that relates to common themes not only in programming but in problem solving in general.  I didn’t agree with the author and commented on his article...

Why I live in a Geodesic Dome – Part 4

Christmas Eve 2013 A brief walk around the driveway after dinner. Clear sky peeking between the trees. The stars are unusually bright. Insignificance is maybe not the same as inconsequential. Context is everything. Stay immersed. Or...