Tagged: writing

macro photography of piano

The Pianist

At one point in the performance a man stands up in the audience and shouts out to the audience as a whole: “That’s not right! It’s all wrong!

Story from a fragment of a dream

2:30am I wake from a vivid dream of places I’ve never been, with people I’ve never met.  My words won’t sufficiently paint the original sensation but I put them down here with some elaboration.  Read and...


I’m participating in an online MOOC course on “How to make a Poem” offered by Manchester City University. There are several hundred participants and 3 professors.  It can get kind of chaotic in the comments section.  ...

The Bald Eagles of Bubble Duff

the jagged claws of the OooLYMPic mountains reach up to yank the solar disk toward it’s evening conclusion. atop a tall and brittle snag the nestlings stir in their rough and temporary abode for this evenings...

Texting vs Talking

Was reading an article recently about dialog communications and how texting has replaced talking in a lot of modern communication. (http://alistapart.com/article/conversational-design) It had an interesting diagram that displayed a time line of human communication going back...