The Bald Eagles of Bubble Duff

the jagged claws of the OooLYMPic mountains
reach up to yank the solar disk
toward it’s evening conclusion.

atop a tall and brittle snag
the nestlings stir in their
rough and temporary abode
for this evenings repast.

with a cry,
casting themselves out and over
the steep precipice,

the Bald Eagles of Bubble Duff
begin their evening exercise.
manipulating gravity and wind
(as the tools they are)
propel, accel, decel,
stirring awe and envy
in their terrestrial-bound observers.
circling skyward,
plummeting seaward,
and finally,
returning westward.

burdened with
some unfortunate maritime prey
they soothe the nestling
for one more day.


I wrote the above back in September of 2007 with no pretense as a poet.

“Bubble Duff” is a play on the words “Double Bluff”,  a park on Whidbey Island.

[osm_map_v3 map_center=”47.964,-122.537″ zoom=”12″ width=”100%” height=”450″ control=”fullscreen,scaleline”]

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